Finding Your City of Gold

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We wish to speak about the past—both personal and global—and how humanity allows it to define your current reality and future potential.

As a beloved Being of God, you know inherently that you are never separate from your Source, from All That Is. And yet, this is how it seems to be here on the earth plane. It seems that you are anything but All That is, and it seems as if the modern world humans have created is geared toward keeping you from that understanding.

Of course, the world is the way it is because human consciousness has made it this way here in your world of freewill. The world did not evolve rapidly from subsistence hunter/gather societies to the high-tech industrialized societies of today. It took millennia of souls coming into the physical body, experiencing the world as it was, desiring something more, and calling it into being bit by bit, degree by degree, across generations, each generation tweaking it just a bit so that the next one coming in had something different to work with—a new perspective from which to create.

Gradually, over quite a long period of time, you arrived at the world as you now know it. And this evolution process marches onward, always at a pace that is in humanity’s hands. Yes, new technologies are revealed when it is time for them, but humanity is in control of the timing through your free choice, based on your response to the world you are born into.

Forks in the Road

What does this tell you about the world as it is? For one thing, it means the world could potentially look quite a bit different today than it does. Every generation faces a fork in the road of the collective consciousness—or rather multiple forks—and every generation chooses to call forth certain things into being. At times It may appear as a predestined march forward, but humanity chooses what will manifest and when. And each generation is oblivious to all that was forgone by not choosing the alternate fork.

So, here you are, thousands of years down a long road with many paths not taken behind you. This is neither right nor wrong, good nor bad. It simply is the way of it.

Before you embody in the physical plane, you plan many of the circumstances of your life with others who will be your companions in this lifetime. They include those you would call your friends and those you would call your enemies. Together, you choose the life circumstances that will bring you the most progress toward your realization that you are one with All That Is.

You often choose your experiences to balance, integrate, and transcend the beliefs and judgments about who you are; beliefs that you adopted in previous lifetimes. Your choice of experience is framed by 1) the progress you have made on your soul’s personal journey to awakening, and 2) the world as it is in its current state of societal development.

There are two important things to be learned from this:

  1. The circumstances in which you find yourself are random when viewed through the long history of choices humanity has made in each generation. In other words, the circumstances of the world around you would look very different today had humanity collectively chosen this fork over that in any past generation.
  2. The circumstances of your current life are very intentional when viewed under the microscope that sees only the current lifetime. In other words, before you embody in a particular incarnation, and as you progress through it, you choose your life experiences from the option set made available through the collective choices of humanity in previous generations.

Why does this matter? Because one of the biggest challenges humanity faces in your path to realization of your Divine Nature is the belief that you are incorrect – damaged – broken – not enough – incomplete. Choose whatever term resonates with you the most, but they are all facets of self-worth.

Your Internal Map

The idea you are not enough is completely fabricated by the global society in which you now live. At the same time, you chose to embody into this world and manifest circumstances and people within this context because it will bring you the soul growth you seek. Simply put, it is all made up, but you choose to embody into it as though it is real so that you can realize how BIG you really are.

Upon your birth, it is as though you parachute into a land that is both strange and familiar. You have a goal to discover a beautiful place—let’s call it the City of Gold. You come hardwired with an internal map to help you find your way—a map that is invisible to most others, but that will guide you to the City if you are aware of it and know how to use it.

Alas, you land with a thud and wake up with amnesia. Others who have been in this land already for multiple years take you in and start to teach you about the place. They can’t see your unique map, and they likely don’t know your mission. Most have never awakened from their own amnesia. So, they teach you as best they can about how their world works and how to function in it – what your goals should be – what to think, what to eat, how to relate to your body, how to judge others, who God is, who your enemies are, what is “right” and what is “wrong”.

You adopt their truths, largely oblivious that the map is within you—although there is a part of you that never forgets. This is what you know as the still small voice—your intuition. As you get older and start to form your own opinions of the world, you may start to pay more attention to that voice. There is a feeling that there must be more to it than what you were taught—that somehow the way things are can’t be all that is. Some of you are encouraged in this exploration of personal truth, but most of you are discouraged—your teachers having long ago chosen to ignore their own personal truth.

And sometimes—often, in fact—you then judge those who took you in and showed you their view of things. You see others who were taken in by people who were more loving, less fearful, less judgmental, kinder, or more in touch with their own internal map, and you think, “Why couldn’t I have had parents or teachers like that? I was given all of this limitation so early in life, and I’m still struggling to overcome it. I love those who raised me, but I hate how they raised me. If only, if only, if only . . . .”

All Experience can be Beneficial

We want you to know that you are NOT a victim in this set up AT ALL. You had full knowledge upon entering this life who would raise you and the potential for what they would choose for you and themselves. And you CHOSE to embody with them because you knew it would be the quickest path for you to realize how magnificent you actually are. Yes, the circumstances of your life reflect your optimal path to awakening.

Therefore, our advice is to STOP complaining about whatever it is you don’t like about how you were raised. In any circumstance there is both gold and shadow. Given the way the earth experience is set up today (again, because it is what humans have chosen it to be over time), you simply do not get to the City of Gold without first traversing the Shadowland. Here in this plane of duality, they are two sides of the same coin. You leapt willingly into the Shadowland, knowing that your awareness of your internal map would be limited, and yet the goal remains the same—to find the City of Gold.

You could say, “Well, that’s a really difficult and unfair thing to do.” And you could get angry at God about it and sit in your bucket of anger and regret, or you could very quickly rise above it all by seeing that it is your fastest path to awakening. A person born into a life of complete ease, in which everything seems perfect and they want for nothing, has little incentive to seek the City of Gold, because they seemingly already have it. Without the opportunity to experience fear and limitation in one form or another (lack, shame, regret) there is no reason to question anything. Consequently, there is little soul growth.

All this to say, the best stance to take toward the circumstances and people that define your past experience in this incarnation is one of gratitude. Not necessarily for the choices that they made for you, but for the opportunity to come into awareness that you are neither those choices nor the results of them. When viewed through the lens of the Higher Self, any and all life experience that causes you to access your map and seek the City of Gold is a very productive experience.

Yes, from the human point of view, of course it is unconscionable what some will do to others—especially to the innocent and vulnerable. Never do we condone such things. But neither do we deny them. Why? Because this is the world you have chosen collectively over your many lifetimes on earth. Humanity created these circumstances. And when you are not embodied in the physical, you make plans to use them to your advantage, to help you find your map of self-discovery, with the ultimate goal of choosing a world in which they no longer exist. In that regard, there is no negative judgment about any of it. It is simply dark energy humans have created together that needs to be brought back into the light. And it may very well be that your personal map is directly involved with cleaning that ugliness up as you progress toward your City of Gold.

Because you will always have freewill on the earth plane, you can also choose to let the ugliness define you and live the rest of your life through it—resisting it, lamenting it, and daydreaming about how it might have been for you. If only, if only, if only . . .

Friends, where does that get you? It gets you stuck in the past, which keeps you from being present in your moment of now, and it keeps you from actively creating the future as you would have it be.

Reframing Your Past

It’s all about choice when you’re embodied on earth. You chose the specific time and place where you would be birthed into the Shadowland, and you always, ALWAYS have the ability to choose both how you see the past and how you will navigate the future.

If you are seeing or hearing these words, you are already aware of your internal map to some degree, and you are consciously seeking your City of Gold. So why not just continue to make that your focus? Recognize that those seemingly unwanted life circumstances are what awakened you to both the destination and your unique path to reach it. Can you see the negative events in your past in that light? Can you bless them for helping you to achieve this level of awakening?

And from this level of awakening, can you offer love to both the circumstances and the people who brought them to you? Can you have compassion for them, having lost touch with their own internal map so much that they couldn’t consciously, lovingly help you access yours? Can you offer forgiveness to them for the choices they made?

We will be very blunt in saying that to do anything else is to hold yourself back. And why would you do that once you are aware of both the destination and the fact that you are hard-wired with a map to find it. Why not just say, “OK, all that stuff happened, but here I am at this point in time, knowing what I know, and knowing where I’m headed. I am headed back to my oneness with All That Is. I am headed back to Divine Love. And the fastest way to get there is to know that I am never apart from it, regardless of what has come before.” That’s all your map is telling you—that you never really left the City. You simply allowed for the belief that you are separate from it. Choose a different belief and see how close at hand it really is.

A helpful practice is to just dismiss all those past circumstances as a bunch of stuff that happened. Take both the unpleasant memories and the pleasant ones and just lump them all together into a big box called “the past”. You stand on top of that box now, having learned so much, and being so much more in touch with where you are headed. So, bless all the contents in that box for how they have transformed and inspired you, and then leave them behind. Create only from this moment of now with all that you have learned, feeling completely neutral about all of it.  In this way you get out of judgment about this being “good” and that being “bad”. It’s all just stuff that has brought you to this moment of now, on the path to your City of Gold, and getting closer by the day.

When you do this, you bring your map into forefront. Now you are no longer continuing to relive any of what came before. It is just you and your map, which you inherently trust. You are free of the limitations imposed by society and your individual life experience. You are FREE to choose from an unencumbered perspective. And that is a much more productive place from which to create your future.

Give it a try, friends. Whenever a negative memory or regret about the past comes up, just put it into the big box you stand on top of now, affirm your understanding that it was just a bunch of stuff that happened, and ask, “What do I choose for myself going forward?”

Consider these truths carefully.

We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credits:  jplenio