The Divine Masculine Mission

It will come as no surprise to you that things have not always been as they currently are on this planet. Change in all aspects of life is the only constant in the human experience. As we noted in a recent message, change can take the form of either evolution or devolution, depending on the way the collective consciousness of humanity is trending. You can read or listen to that message if you want more detail. But at this time, we want to talk specifically about the evolving relationship between masculine and feminine energy.

Many millennia ago, the understanding of these energies, the relationship between them, and the way men and women interacted with each other through them, was very different than it is today. Part of the shift that is happening now on this planet is a return to the beautiful wisdom that has been lost in your most recent period of consciousness devolution. This is the wisdom that understands what it means to run masculine or feminine energy and the responsibility each has to the other to facilitate balance and support high consciousness on earth.

Masculine and Feminine Purpose

In this Universe there is both Divine Feminine energy and Divine Masculine energy. The wisdom and purpose of the Divine Masculine is to create structure so that the wisdom and purpose of the Divine Feminine can adorn it, fill it, bless it, and amplify Itself through it. One without the other creates a tremendous imbalance. Absent the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine flows over everything without focus and direction. In so doing, the gift that this wisdom has to offer is diminished to a degree as it relates to human life. Think of the flow of water. If you run a hose without a vessel to capture its flow, the water flows everywhere, making the benefits of its life-sustaining qualities more difficult to realize. You must gulp from the hose or lap it off the ground to quench your thirst. The flow is certainly good for the plants and lifeforms that grow around you, as they are all nourished by the water. Thus, the outpouring is good for life on the planet as a whole. But the immediate benefit to the human interacting with that flow is diminished because it has been made more difficult to direct to a specific intention.

If, however, you run the hose into a vessel—such as a cup—you can capture the water and drink it easily to sustain your life. If you run it into a larger vessel—such as a jug—you can drink some now and store some to further nourish you at a later time. The structure of the container thereby amplifies the life-sustaining value of the water to the human.

Such as it is with the interplay of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine as it relates to the human experience. The majority of humans are “wired” to run predominantly masculine or feminine energy. There is not necessarily a correlation with gender. In other words, you can be a woman who runs predominantly masculine energy, and you can be a man who runs predominantly feminine energy. It has always been this way, although it is true that men have predominantly identified with the Divine Masculine, and women with the Divine Feminine.

In ancient times, humans understood the appropriateness of all possibilities, and you had yet to develop the judgments and dysfunctional structures that have emerged on the earth in more recent times through your masculine-dominated societies. There was no judgment that said the masculine is more important or valuable than the feminine, and vice versa. Rather, each understood the importance of the other for sustaining human life and for realizing the vision and purpose of human evolution. In other words, they honored and respected each other as energetic equals while supporting each other in the unfolding of the Divine Plan on earth. They knew that it did not unfold unless each was able to bring their gifts fully.

The Divine Masculine Gifts

What are the masculine gifts to earth and the human experience? They are 1) Creating and maintaining a solid, sustainable foundation for human life to flourish, and 2) Protecting this foundation from decay – which is negative emotion and the physical manifestations that it attracts (danger, loss, shame, grief). When the Divine Masculine fulfills His mission on earth, the Divine Feminine is safe to flourish. She both flows over the land to bless all of life, and She fills the vessel created by the energy of the Divine Masculine to bless and sustain His focused work of managing human life. She is not contained by the Masculine vessel, for it could never hold the outpouring of Her Love. If you run a hose into a jug, the jug will eventually fill and the water will overflow the top, running in every direction. Even so, you have captured some of the water so you may direct it to your purpose of maintaining a structure in which your human life can continue to flourish in support of your Divine Purpose.

Masculine and Feminine Balance

This, then, is why both the masculine and the feminine are so very important on earth. One is not more important than the other. In fact, one does not thrive without the other. One may come to dominate the other, but that is not thriving. Thriving implies health, vitality, and balance. When one energy dominates the other, it suppresses the other’s gifts, which leads to imbalance and toxicity.

Thus, as the Divine Feminine begins to emerge more strongly on earth, which it is now doing with increasing speed, it is important that you don’t over steer toward suppressing the Divine Masculine. The Divine Feminine must be allowed to flourish once again, but not to the exclusion of the Divine Masculine out of a desire for justice. This is an ego-based belief. From the perspective of the non-physical, the return to balance on earth of both Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is welcomed without judgment. Both must coexist in balance for the earth to fulfill Her destiny of evolution back to the Heart of God. The Divine Feminine knows that absent the Divine Masculine, the flow of Her energy will not be balanced. Keep this in mind, please. The exposure and cleaning up of toxic masculinity in your world is necessary and appropriate, and it will continue as the Divine Feminine emerges. But do not take the attitude that now it is time for the masculine to pay his dues and bend to the will of the feminine. That will cause imbalance of a different kind, and with it will come a new set of problems you must work through that will slow the evolution of the planet. Water flowing through a river can be harnessed to sustain human societies by nourishing crops, creating electricity, and providing transportation. But when the river overflows its banks, it can easily destroy the lives that depend on it.

The Heart of the Divine knows this and seeks no justice. Justice—the belief that one must suffer to pay for harm he has caused another—is a human concept born of low consciousness. The Heart of the Divine seeks only a return to balance. Only a return to Love. Give thanks that the Love of the Divine Feminine is returning to your planet once again. And give thanks that the power of the Divine Masculine to hold space for and help direct that Love is also returning. Both are needed, and the Universe rejoices that both are learning how to dance together again.

The Divine Masculine Mission

So, then, what is the mission of the Divine Masculine in these times? It is to hold space for the Divine Feminine to flourish. It is the Divine Masculine role to maintain an energetic structure on the planet so that it is safe for the Divine Feminine to flow and bless all the planet with Her gifts. The Divine Masculine is the protector of the Divine Feminine. He is the sentinel at the gates of Her temple, wherein She dances Her dance and sings Her songs. Together, the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine build a bridge between Heaven and Earth.  This bridge is made of pure light, and the energy that travels across it increases the vibration of the planet and all life upon Her.

Our advice to those humans who identify most with masculine energy is to begin holding that sacred space today so that the Divine Feminine may dance and sing and flourish with no trace of fear. This is your gift to your Divine Mother and all life upon Her. Share your Divine Masculine gift now and always, for it is why you are here in this particular body at this auspicious time.

The time is now. Your mission is at hand. Let it begin.

We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credit: cgcowboy



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