Allowing Enlightened Government

Q: How do we create enlightened government?

Enlightened government is not something you create as much as it is something you allow to exist. You see, the circumstances that surround you are a direct reflection of your consciousness—what you think, feel, and believe, and how you see yourself relative to the people and circumstances around you. This is true on a personal level, and on a global level. Your personal circumstances are a direct reflection of your individual consciousness, and the circumstances of your societies are a direct reflection of the collective consciousness of the people within them.

As you think, feel, and believe, so you manifest—often without being aware that you are creating unwanted circumstances. You experience some loss in life and think to yourself, “Why did this happen to me?” Well, you created it. You say, “But I wasn’t thinking about that thing that happened to me.” Maybe not, but your thoughts and beliefs were vibrationally aligned with the unwanted event, and that is what allowed it to show up in your experience.  It is a simple equation you have heard many times by many teachers: Like attracts like. So, if you experience a fearful event, it is because the vibration of that event aligns with a strong vibration of fear in your thoughts. It can be no other way, for it is Universal law.

You are often unaware of the dominant vibration in your experience because there is so much that commands your attention today. The COVID-19 virus that is causing so much upheaval is just one element. Geo-political tensions and domestic political infighting add to it. Perhaps economic uncertainty is also present. This causes a certain baseline of fear and anxiety in much of humanity.

In addition, you also seek out fearful and anxiety-ridden circumstances in your entertainment. So much of what you consume in your television shows and movies is filled with people making one bad choice after another, or on dystopian futures in which humanity is disempowered. Does it surprise you, then, that the “real” world you live in reflects those scenarios?

Why is humanity attracted to such things? Because they exist in your Akash—the record of your past incarnations on the planet. You have lived through lifetime after lifetime in which danger and disappointment were a large part of your experience, and thus you have come to expect a certain degree of danger and disappointment as just part of life. Since you expect it, you receive it. If you have been deceived many times, you expect to be deceived again, and so you do not trust others. If you have experienced loss, you expect loss to show up, and that expectation draws loss to you. Currently, few humans are consciously connected with their Akashic remembrances, and so these memories just play in the background, “driving the bus” so to speak.

Reality Reflects Consciousness

This is why we speak of enlightened government as something to be allowed rather than created. You will create it, and indeed you are slowly creating it. However, you cannot conceive of the systems and structures of enlightened government if you are not aligned with the high vibration they embody. Truths reveal themselves, but only when you are aligned with their resonant frequency.

In fact, if you look back on recent human history, you will quickly notice that any attempt to create a more benevolent and equitable structure fails when the collective consciousness of humanity is not aligned with higher vibration thoughts, feelings, beliefs. Take Communism, for example. In the past 100 years, the socio-political construct of Communism has been a dominant force in shaping the lives of many humans, nations, and governments the world over. But at this point, the negative aspects of Communism are its legacy—the economic deprivation, the social and political constraint, the lack of incentive to innovate, and in many cases the outright brutality of leaders against the people they serve. Why has it failed as a model for a more benevolent and equitable society? Simply because the consciousness of those in power is largely rooted in fear, greed, and the desire for revenge more than it is with the good of the people. The system reflects the consciousness of those who maintain it.

When you live under one system of government and see another system fail, it is easy to sit back and think, “See, we have the better system—and this proves it.” What you are seeing today, however, is the failure of governments that were doing victory laps only a few years ago. Representative Democracies and Social Democracies are also finding it increasingly difficult to maintain their grip on power and set a course the people agree with. This is perhaps nowhere more apparent than the recent events that transpired in Washington D.C., when thousands of people forced their way into the capitol building in an attempt to overturn the recent election, spurred on by the outgoing president himself. In light of such events, even the “great experiment” of American Democracy seems to have lost a significant degree of effectiveness. In other words, it is no longer working well.

But guess what? This is actually good news. Why? Because it is evidence that humanity is collectively moving in consciousness and vibration into higher frequencies that demand new forms of government. We said “collectively”. This is important because you can see there are still many pockets of low-vibration thinking. Fear-based beliefs that perpetuate racism, exploitation of one human by another, and cruelty to the earth and her non-human inhabitants are very apparent in your world today, and so it is easy to throw up your hands and say, “It’s all going downhill.” But it is not.

Light Exposes what is Hidden

You are seeing the emergence of all the negativity because it is being forced into the light via the collective consciousness of humanity that is vibrating at higher and higher frequencies. The overwhelming majority of humanity is more aligned with love than fear, compassion than vindictiveness, and generosity than greed. Enough of humanity holds these values sacred that it is tipping the balance toward love as the dominant vibration on the planet at a faster rate than you have ever known. These high-vibration qualities are the same frequency as Divine light—that which you call the love of God. And because this vibration is gaining more and more momentum, it is forcing all darkness to be exposed.

Anything hidden in the dark becomes very easily agitated when light is shined upon it. Think about this: There is a reason why people and things hide in the dark. They do not want to be seen because they know they are out of alignment with the Divine Will that is a constant thread through all of creation. They know what is right and what is wrong. On some level, even if it is unconscious, they know. And when they refuse to embrace the light, even when it is glaring in their faces, they become even more agitated—more extreme. This is what you are witnessing in politics and religion all over the world right now.

There are certain high-profile leaders and former leaders in the United States at this time who have openly supported the position that it is right to kill people who disagree with their point of view. These extremists have so locked into their fear-based view of the world that they have decided that anyone who does not see things their way is evil, and that they are the ones who were put here to make things right by whatever means are needed. Ironically, many of these same people proclaim to be devout Christians. And yet, they are willing ignore one of the basic Truths upon which Christianity was built—the belief that it is wrong to kill. Of course, this is not new. But it illustrates very clearly where the fear-based human ego is driving the bus rather than the love-based Higher Self.

We say to you with all the love of the Universe, anyone who advocates for harming another human is sitting in the dark. But the good news is that today the light is being shined on them with greater brightness than at any time in human history. It may not seem like it in the moment because you feel sadness, anger, and anxiety when you see your fellow humans behaving in these ways—and often doing so in the name of God.

Again, this is nothing new. Remember the Inquisition? Remember the Crusades? What is different now, however, is that the collective consciousness of humanity has evolved to where the vast majority of humans have a much clearer understanding of what is Divinely correct and what is not. This is why it hurts your hearts so much to see the pain humans are causing each other. But know that it is just your light—your collective light—being shined on the darkest pockets of the human experience, and this is ultimately a good thing. After all, you cannot clean up what you cannot see.

Model and Amplify Love

So, we encourage you to remain steadfast, friends. When your fellow humans act out of fear, jealousy, greed, and a desire to make others experience their pain, double down on your commitment to model love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. This is how you will allow enlightened government to take hold in your world. And, indeed, it is why you are here.

You don’t have to think about it. In fact, the more thought you put to it, the longer it may take. Again, you cannot think at a vibration higher than your own resonant frequency. Therefore, unless you are enlightened, you will not conceive of enlightened structures and systems. Your work is to increase your vibration to a high enough frequency that those enlightened systems and structures will reveal themselves to you.

It is so simple, friends, that you often miss it. If you want a loving government, model love to ALL humanity. Exclude nobody, no matter how your ego judges them or whatever damage you think they have done. If you want a compassionate government that truly has the best interest of all humanity in mind—even those beyond your borders—then model compassion to everyone who crosses your field of consciousness. That means thinking benevolent, compassionate, loving thoughts to those “other guys” you see on the news doing whatever it is they do that angers or worries you. Send them love. Don’t just say it—truly feel it. Imagine yourself embracing them the same way you would your child, your parent, or your beloved pet. Envision them receiving your love and melting in your arms. Envision them then carrying that high vibration forward and sharing it with others.

Can you do this? Of course, you can. Will you do it? Some are already deciding they will not. “I can’t show love to that person,” they say, “because it will validate their point of view.” Or “They will see me as weak, and we all have to be very strong to stand up to them in these times.” Friends, that is a very unenlightened view. It is a fear-based view. And therefore, it is lengthening the amount of time it will take to realize enlightened leadership and systems of power on this planet. If you do not understand this yet, then you have work to do. If you cannot envision yourself embracing your “enemy” and flowing love to them like you would the ones you love the most, you are not ready for enlightened government. If you think it will make you weak, then you do not know how powerful love really is.

Again, everything in your experience reflects your consciousness. When your consciousness understands the true power of love and makes the expression of that transformative power your reason for living, then you will be ready for enlightened government. And at that point, it must happen.

So please get started. You have all the tools in front of you and have had them all your life. Love your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Do not wait for them to show you love first. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Do not wait for them to behave. Your personal challenge is to love and do unto others even when you have zero hope that they will respond in kind. This is how you change the world.

Finally, we encourage you to take a close look at what you pay attention to in your entertainment. Does it model the world you want to live in? Do the characters on the screen make wise decisions? Do they lift each other up and create hope? Do they model love and compassion? If not, we ask you to consider whether your attention to them is serving your consciousness or not. Remember, your world reflects your consciousness, and you are always in control of where you focus your consciousness. Please choose wisely.

We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credits: Suju